Monday, August 8, 2011

OK Christians and all, I want to teach the cardinal virtue of FORTITUDE to a motley crew of students. How ?

There is a branch of theology called ascetical theology. It deals in things like theological virtues [faith Hope and love], cardinal virtues [such as prudence, Justice, temperance, fortitude], and the struggle against the Seven Deadly Sins. Each of the above has spin-offs - so, Pride begets vaingloriousness which leads to rashness, but fortitude implies endurance and a propensity to finish things. So, for example, what are stories of people showing fortitude today or yesterday? Our responses can be stories or songs or pictures or holding hands...we need to suit orphans of varying ages, leprosy sufferers, teachers, financial leaders, the military and the disabled. We need to BE the endurance of these folks by our own persistence and imaginativeness.

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