Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Foreskin restoration damage - does it really matter in today's world?

Hi, so I feel a lot less confident about my looks now that I used medical tape to pull penile shaft skin over the glans and kept it on all night long. It was a little painful at night and woke me up. I was stupid and didn't know that I could damage the skin. I learned like many of us circised men that we are actually "circised" and I wanted to restore but was impatient. Somebody on webmd, not an actual MD, told me that I cannot fix any type of skin damage. Is this true? I can't be if this is bugging me so much... There is nothing on the internet about skin damage. Can anybody offer a real answer????? What happened at the cell level? It is most apparent when the skin is flaccid. Interent sucks by the way for not giving a proper warning. 18m by the way. It's just that it was perfect and I screwed it up. I already have a lot of damage done by others many years ago that made me jealous of others and not care. Try to comment on the skin specifically if you can.

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