Monday, August 8, 2011

My friend is having boy problems.. ladies can you help?

My friend likes this guy but she won't admit to it. She goes to high school, and so does he, but she's pissed at him. You see she got rejected, and now hates him. He tried to explain it to her that he was dating someone else at the time, but she kept on acting immature about it. He told me to tell her that he really is sorry for having hurt her feelings. My friend has gone to the extremes and tried to do a switch-a-roo making it look like he's the one over her which I tried to explain to her she's going about the whole thing all wrong. They share mutual friends and everytime he's there too, she b*tches him out calling him a stalker. Well she started to chill down, but the sucky thing is she has summer school and she has it with him. She tried to start it up again, but the dude's ignoring her and once she went up to apologize for overreacting the whole time, but he totally blew her off thinking she was starting up again, and he played his i pod up really loud where you can hear the music coming from his ear buds. That hurt her, and now she's wanting to know what to do exactly. So can anyone give her good advice?

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